Corona Pandemic and the State Dilemma (Part – 5)
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE AS THE ONLY ALTERNATIV Rationally speaking, this pandemic has given us a great opportunity to have an insight to such a flawed
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE AS THE ONLY ALTERNATIV Rationally speaking, this pandemic has given us a great opportunity to have an insight to such a flawed
The Pandemic State had known at the very onset of pandemic that the extra covid patients (over existing non-covid ones) could not be accommodated within
The Fall-out The primary goal of such ‘catch as you can’ mode of private practice ensures maximum profit for either big capital (i.e. corporate hospital)
The Modus Operandi Develop ‘surplus pool’ of ill-trained registered and unregistered doctors Scarcity of doctors (and the resultant high wages) was acting as a deterrent
This pandemic has overwhelmed both public and private healthcare system as it struggles to find the correct balance between covid and non covid patients within
“তালাবন্দির সময় আমার কাছে একজন ₹৩০০০/- সাহায্য চেয়েছিল। তার ৩ জনের পরিবারকে যাতে আগামি ৩ মাস কিছু খাওয়াতে পারে। তবে যদি কৃষিজাত পণ্য অত্যাবশ্যকীয় সামগ্রীর
“During the lockdown, someone asked me to help him with just Rs 3,000 so that his family of three doesn’t have to sleep hungry for
Globalization has helped corona virus infection take the shape of a pandemic so fast. This virus first emerged in China and within few months it
UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE AS THE ONLY ALTERNATIV Rationally speaking, this pandemic has given us a great opportunity to have an insight to such a flawed
The Pandemic State had known at the very onset of pandemic that the extra covid patients (over existing non-covid ones) could not be accommodated within
The Fall-out The primary goal of such ‘catch as you can’ mode of private practice ensures maximum profit for either big capital (i.e. corporate hospital)
The Modus Operandi Develop ‘surplus pool’ of ill-trained registered and unregistered doctors Scarcity of doctors (and the resultant high wages) was acting as a deterrent
This pandemic has overwhelmed both public and private healthcare system as it struggles to find the correct balance between covid and non covid patients within
“তালাবন্দির সময় আমার কাছে একজন ₹৩০০০/- সাহায্য চেয়েছিল। তার ৩ জনের পরিবারকে যাতে আগামি ৩ মাস কিছু খাওয়াতে পারে। তবে যদি কৃষিজাত পণ্য অত্যাবশ্যকীয় সামগ্রীর
“During the lockdown, someone asked me to help him with just Rs 3,000 so that his family of three doesn’t have to sleep hungry for
Globalization has helped corona virus infection take the shape of a pandemic so fast. This virus first emerged in China and within few months it
আমাদের লক্ষ্য সবার জন্য স্বাস্থ্য আর সবার জন্য চিকিৎসা পরিষেবা। আমাদের আশা, এই লক্ষ্যে ডাক্তার, স্বাস্থ্যকর্মী, রোগী ও আপামর মানুষ, স্বাস্থ্য ব্যবস্থার সমস্ত স্টেক হোল্ডারদের আলোচনা ও কর্মকাণ্ডের একটি মঞ্চ হয়ে উঠবে ডক্টরস ডায়ালগ।
Editorial Committee:
Dr. Punyabrata Gun
Dr. Jayanta Das
Dr. Chinmay Nath
Dr. Indranil Saha
Dr. Aindril Bhowmik
Executive Editor: Piyali Dey Biswas
Shramajibi Swasthya Udyog
HA 44, Salt Lake, Sector-3, Kolkata-700097
নীচে Justori র মাধ্যমে আমাদের সদস্য হন – নিজে বলুন আপনার প্রশ্ন, মতামত – সরাসরি উত্তর পান ডাক্তারের কাছ থেকে