The Joint Platform of Doctors strongly condemn the alleged detention of/ issuance of chargesheet to Dr Indranil Khan
Dr. Indranil Khan, a practising oncologist, had only asked for Appropriate PPEs for frontline health workers, engaged in management of COVID 19 pandemic. He drew administration’s attention to the poor quality of the PPEs supplied by posting in social media. He took part in a campaign, all of us were part of which, when rainwears were supplied in stead of PPEs.
Dr. Indranil Khan can’t be held/ detained/chargesheeted for voicing the concerns about quality of PPEs,
PPE is a safety device as per WHO guidelines to be used in dealing with communicable diseases, more so during the pandemic of COVID19, of which we are yet to know in depth. An unprotected health worker can be a threat to lot of common people.
The MOH&FW have already admitted that the PPEs, supplied earlier, were of substandard quality.
It’s not wrong to attract attention of the administration in greater public interest but it is deplorable for the administration to chargesheet a concerned citizen and health worker to voice his concern.
Everyone, involved in harassment of Dr. Indranil Khan, must immediately withdraw all charges and tender unconditional apology to the entire medical fraternity, who are working day in and out in the frontline to save mankind from peril.
Joint Platform of Doctor, West Bengal
For the better treatment of the Corona Virus Disease -19 affected people , good quality instruments and protective apparels for the Doctors ,Nurses and other front line health workers are the most essentials. To voice concerns for the low quality supply of these materials is not at all inappropriate by the serving doctor/s. The authority should have taken proper steps to supply those materials on an urgent basis. On the contrary , the issuing of charge sheets etc for some technical reasons is deplorable.
It is expected that the authority will keep aside their ego problem, withdraw all punishments and above all ensure supply of quality protective materials necessary for the frontline medical workers so that they can serve the affected better and prevent the spread of the the virus from the treatment point.
Arrest/ harrasment of a doctor for demanding PPE is deplorable.
Arrest/ harrasment of a doctor during pandemic for demanding PPE is totally deplorable.
আমরা ডাঃ ইন্দ্রনীল খানের পাশে আছি।
I also protest the action taken by administration against Dr Indranil Khan. Masks supplied in Suri District Hospital are also substandrad(single layered cotton masks).
নমস্কার| আমরা সাথে আছি, থাকবো|
শুধুই ভঙ্গি দিয়ে মন ভোলালে ভোটের অঙ্ক ঠিক থাকতে পারে , সমগ্র রাজ্যবাসীর বিপদ বাডবে, এই সুবুদ্ধির উদয কি মহামান্যার কোনোদিনই হবে না ? আত্মপ্রচারের মোহ ছেড়ে মানুষের কথা ভাবুন । অবিলম্বে ডাক্তার খানের কাছে ক্ষমা চাওয়া চাই ।